/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 A paraventricular thalamus to insular cortex glutamatergic projection gates "emotional" stress-induced binge eating in females /manager/Repository/uon:53155 Vglut2+) to the medial insular cortex in this behavior. Whole brain activation mapping and hierarchical clustering of Euclidean distances revealed distinct patterns of coactivation unique to stress-induced binge eating. At a pathway-specific level, PVTVglut2+ cells projecting to the medial insular cortex were specifically activated in response to stress-induced binge eating. Subsequent chemogenetic inhibition of this pathway suppressed stress-induced binge eating. We have identified a distinct PVTVglut2+ to insular cortex projection as a key driver of "emotional" stress-induced binge eating in female mice, highlighting a novel circuit underpinning this sex-specific behavior.]]> Mon 27 Nov 2023 15:54:48 AEDT ]]> Can we enhance the clinical efficacy of cognitive and psychological approaches to treat substance use disorders through understanding their neurobiological mechanisms? /manager/Repository/uon:52289 Mon 09 Oct 2023 10:09:46 AEDT ]]>